Know that--SIN IS DEALT WITH---SAVIOR- "He will save His people from sins"- Matt. 1:21 - "saved by His life" - Rom. 5:10
Personal revelation- "God will reveal it to you" - Phil. 3:15
Be Balanced (Not living in the law but in grace, yet not OVER BALANCED ( taking advantage of grace, if you can do that.)
If you take advantage of grace and believe it is a license to sin, then you put yourself in lawlessness.
KNOW THAT-----JESUS IS LORD- "Jesus/Yeshua is Lord" - Rom. 10:9; I Cor. 12:3 - "sanctify Christ as Lord in our lives" - I Pt. 3:15
You are Spirit- "New creation in Christ" - II Cor. 5:17 - "new spirit" - Ezek. 36:26,27 - "Spirit bears witness with spirit" - Rom. 8:16
Indwelling Christ- "Christ in you" - Col. 1:27; II Cor. 13:5 - "Christ lives in me" - Gal. 2:20 - "as many as are perfect" - Phil. 3:15
Knowing the--
Spirit of Christ - Rom. 8:9- "Spirit sets desires against flesh" - Gal. 5:17 - "led of the Spirit" - Rom. 8:14; Gal. 5:18 - "walk by the Spirit" - Gal. 5:16 - "fruit of the Spirit" - Gal. 5:22,23
Process positive- "Conformed to the image of Son" - Rom. 8:29 - "God/Yahweh is at work in you" - Phil. 2:13 - "reckon yourself dead to sin, but alive to God
in Christ Jesus" - Rom. 6:11 Resurrection (experiential in spirit)
- "raised to newness of life" - Rom. 6:5,6 - "give life to mortal bodies" - Rom. 8:11 - "life of Jesus manifested..." - II Cor. 4:10,11
God's Grace Activity- "this grace in which we stand" - Rom. 5:2 - "all grace, all sufficiency in all" - II Cor. 9:8
Our Faith Response- "faith without (corresponding action, led by Holy Spirit), works is dead" - James 2:17,26
Knowing that we are one with God
Oneness with God - Essential oneness with Christ - "Christ as us" - "What I do is what He does" - Gal. 2:20