Thursday, December 31, 2020
Friday, December 18, 2020
'Tis the Season to Give Birth to What God Has Placed Inside You
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Monday, December 14, 2020
God is not with us bu in us. (Col 1:27) To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
Saturday, October 24, 2020
It's Getting Windy and Catch the Wind Prophecies
Friday, October 2, 2020
Friday, August 7, 2020
Analysis of Is. 60
Isaiah 60:1-22 Arise, shine; (be glorious) 1 For your light (illumination) has come! And the glory (God’s excellence, splendor, riches, majesty eternal weight, everything He is.) of the LORD is risen (shooting forth beams in you, through you upon you.)
2 For behold, the darkness (ignorance, blindness, sorrow, distress) shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, And His glory (everything He is) will be seen upon you.
3 The Gentiles (unbelievers) shall come to your light, And kings (great men) to the brightness of your rising.
4. “Lift up your eyes all around, and see: They all gather together, they come to you; Your sons (nations) shall come from afar, And your daughters( apples of your eye) shall be nursed (built up, supported ) (intimacy, relationship) at your side.
5 Then you shall see and become radiant, and your heart shall swell with joy; Because the abundance of the sea (people, unbelievers) shall be turned to you, The wealth of the Gentiles (foreign nations, unbelievers) shall come to you.
6. The multitude of camels (labor or work, what concerns you )shall cover your land, The dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; All those from Sheba shall come; They shall bring gold (substance, symbol of kingship, kingdom glory, fair weather) and incense, And they shall proclaim the praises of the LORD.
7 All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together to you, the rams (strength, symbol of substitution or sacrifice) of Nebaioth shall minister to you; They shall ascend with acceptance on My altar, And I will glorify the house of My glory.
8 “Who are these who fly like a cloud, And like doves (Holy Spirit drawing) to their roosts?
9 Surely the coastlands shall wait for Me; ( desirable spot) And the ships of Tarshish (men) will come first, To bring your sons from afar, (nations) Their silver and their gold with them, To the name of the LORD your God, And to the Holy One of Israel, Because He has glorified (beautified)in you.
10 “The sons of foreigners shall build up your walls, (protection, separation, security) And their kings shall minister to you; For in My wrath I struck you, (allowed you to go through problems and circumstances)But in My favor I have had mercy on you.
11 Therefore your gates (eye gate etc. has to do with worship-- Lift up your gates ( entrance) also a symbol of power and authority)shall be open continually; ( 24/7 worship of the King ) They shall not be shut day or night, That men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles, And their kings in procession.
12 For the nation and kingdom (enemy)which will not serve you shall perish, and those nations shall be utterly ruined.
13 “The glory of Lebanon shall come to you, the cypress, the pine, and the box tree (stately, endurance, believers) To beautify the place of My sanctuary; And I will make the place of My feet glorious.
14 Also the sons of those who afflicted you Shall come bowing to you, And all those who despised you shall fall prostrate at the soles of your feet; And they shall call you The City of the LORD, (New Jerusalem) Zion ( place of praise, the dwelling place of the Lord, now is the time to favor Zion) of the Holy One of Israel.
15 “Whereas you have been forsaken and hated, So, that no one went through you, I will make you an eternal excellence, A joy of many generations.
16 You shall drink the milk (riches, foundational food) of the Gentiles, And milk (the breast) (intimacy with King of Kings) of kings; You shall know that I, the LORD, am your Savior And your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.
17 Instead of bronze (lowliness, filthy, disobedience)I will bring gold,( riches, kingdom glory) Instead of iron (inflexibility, judgment against sin)I will bring silver, (price of a soul, redemption), Instead of wood, bronze, And instead of stones, iron. I will also make your officers peace, and your magistrates, righteousness.
18 Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor destruction within your borders; But you shall call your walls Salvation, And your gates Praise.
19 “The sun ( brilliance, that which is significant)shall no longer be your light by day, Nor for brightness shall the moon ( that which is insignificant) give light to you; But the LORD will be to you an everlasting light, (illumination) And your God your glory.
20 Your sun shall no longer go down, Nor, shall your moon withdraw itself; For the LORD will be your everlasting light, And the days of your mourning shall be ended. (restoration)
21 Also your people shall all be righteous; (family)They shall inherit the land (earth) forever, The branch of My planting, (vineyard- branches, believers) The work of My hands, That I may be glorified.
22 A little one shall become a thousand, And a small one (least among you) a strong nation. I, the LORD, will hasten it in its time. (due season) Isaiah 28:5 In that day the LORD of hosts will be For a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty to the remnant of His people.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Good Things That Are Coming out of This CRISIS (both naturally and spiritually)
Priority shifts (more attention on what really matters)
Which are you living in right now: The Best of Times or the Worst of Times. You decide. I choose to live in the Best of Times.
Good Things: Best of Times
Priority shifts (more attention on what really matters)
Alone Time--Countless benefits to quiet alone time to reflect, meditate, pray, and just sort through our thoughts. According to researchers, alone time has been linked to increased happiness, improved stress management, and better life satisfaction, not to mention praying without ceasing.
People are helping the most fragile members of our communities--Stores are making special shopping hours to keep seniors away from the crowds, and people are organizing to keep the elderly and homebound fed and comforted.
Increased/stronger family and friend interaction and connection--People are enjoying time together with their family. We are having conversations, eating together, playing games, reading together and just enjoying being in the company of the ones we love. This engagement of people with their friends and family is resulting and realizing what matters most as they have limited access to normal life for a short time.
We are spending more time outside in the sunshine and fresh air.
People are exercising.
Pollution is way down (Even Venice canals, lakes and streams are clearing up. The earth will be refreshed a bit.
Game-changing donations coming in all over the world--Individuals, professional athletes, musicians, celebrities, and businesses large and small, are all stepping up to the plate to donate money and supplies to help protect those on the front lines and people all over the world who are feeling the impact of the virus.
Technology is being used for great things--Musicians are performing free concerts online, museums and art galleries are using technology for virtual tours, and online learning centers are slashing rates for people to take courses and churches are streaming services. Teleconferencing and video conferencing like zoom are at an all-time high with churches having prayer and communication online.
We are reconnecting with our pets. Happy pets and reduction of stress for owners.
We are cooking homemade meals. The course of the day is nutritionally-packed meals in an effort to stay as healthy as possible.
People are being more health conscious (taking vitamins, minerals, supplements and using essential oils)
We are learning how to be more self-sufficient. Many are planning and already starting to grow their own vegetable gardens, like the Victory gardens of WWII.
Financial Planning—People are realizing that they should be prepared for times like these. Less buying and impulsive spending and more saving.
THE CHURCH HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!! The harvest has begun. Believers are more in prayer, evangelistic minded. There is greater clarity and action pertaining to real purpose of the church. We are realizing we are the Church, not the building. And the great commission is more of a priority.
Believer’s understanding of who they are in Christ, versus the brick and mortar building that houses them as they congregate.
And of course, the realization of a Great Move of God, Gods people returning to Him. And unbelievers being saved. We are realizing evangelism is each one teach one, discipling those who the Lord brings to you.
1 John 4:17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment/crisis; because as He is, so are we in this world.
G2920 (Strong)κρίσις. Krisis. English crisis
Yes, we are in a time of crisis but also in the time that perfect love casts out all fear.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
The CHURCH of TOMORROW - written in 2001, Dr. Mary Sue Davis
"We want to get back to real 'New Testament' Christianity." But what exactly does that look like?
This is an important topic - and something I have pondered a great deal over the years. What exactly would the 'New Testament Church' look like if it was translated into a modern western city?
To get started, I want you to forget about today's church just for a moment - with all her obvious problems and contradictions, and picture something quite different. I want you to imagine that you are still living in the same city, in the same year, but you are right in the middle of a 'Book of Acts'-type scenario. Somehow everything has changed.
For some reason, all Christians in your city have left their denominations and divisions behind. They have truly begun to fulfill the prayer of Jesus - "That they all may be ONE". They now hold huge gatherings all over the city - right out in the open. And as well as these united gatherings, on most streets there is now a house-meeting, where all the Spirit-filled believers from that street gather together, eating and sharing and having communion, etc. (ie. A "NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH"). The power of God flowing in these house-meetings is amazing. Many healings and miracles are occurring. The 'gifts' flow freely every day.
It seems also that many of the church buildings and cathedrals have simply been abandoned. No longer do Christians want to hide themselves away behind "four walls". They want to gather out where the people are - presenting Jesus to the whole world. They want to be truly "one body". There is no way that any of their old buildings could contain the crowds, anyhow.
And the men whom God has raised up to lead this vast movement do not seem much like the 'Reverends' or even the 'televangelists' of old. In fact, quite a few of them have never even been to Bible College, and they seem to be very plain, ordinary people from humble backgrounds. But what an anointing! It is very clear to everyone that these 'apostles and prophets' (as they are known) have spent many years in prayer and brokenness before God - drawing closer and closer to Him. When they speak, the very fear of the Lord seems to come down, and many people repent deeply of their sins. Demons are cast out and the blind and crippled are made whole. -These kinds of things are happening all the time. The whole city is just in awe of what is going on, and thousands upon thousands are being saved. Even the newspapers and
television are full of it.
As soon as someone confesses Jesus they are immediately baptized in water and hands are laid on them for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. -This is expected from day one! And it is also expected that every Christian has a gift and calling from God - and that they should be encouraged to move forward and fulfill their calling. No longer is there a distinction made between those who are "ministers" and those who are merely 'laity'. Now it is expected that EVERYONE is a minister of the Lord! (However, there are 'elders' - ie. Older Christians to guide things).
Some of the bishops and pastors from several denominations have actually denounced this great move of God very strongly. They say it is "deception" and warn their people to stay away. Every Move of God in history has been accused of this - usually by religious leaders. But to be honest, it is so obvious to most people that God is the one behind it all, that very few take these men seriously. The Spirit of God is sweeping all before Him. The glory of the Lord has come.
One of the reasons that these leaders are so upset is that a lot of the Christians' GIVING now does not go to church buildings, but rather to the POOR. In fact, God has spoken to many people to start supporting widows and orphans overseas, etc. They also give generously to anyone in their midst who is in need. Many even sell their own possessions in order to do this.
The huge over-riding theme of this great movement is LOVE. "Behold how they love one another" is the catch-cry of many who watch this 'new church' in action. And everyone is given to MUCH PRAYER.
And so, gathering "as one" in the outdoors, ( meeting online) and breaking bread from house to house, they eat together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord adds to their number daily those who are being saved.
The above description is taken straight out of the Book of Acts - as applied to today. Everything in the above paragraphs is put there to give you an idea of what it would be like to live in the Jerusalem church at the start of Acts. -And it was like that for YEARS. Imagine the impact of such a church on the world around it! God is wanting to do this again. And He wants to use ordinary people like you and me to help bring it to pass.
I am convinced that we are NOT supposed to treat the early church as a "special case". It was given to us as an 'example'. It is what the "normal" church should be like all the time! And yet we have fallen so far below this standard. Only in times of revival do we approach it again for a time. But I believe it is supposed to be "normal" for the church to be like this - day in and day out. This is the way that Jesus always wanted us to be and this is how the last move of God will be.
However, one thing is clear. It will take a great "SHAKING" for us to get anywhere close to the above description today. (How many beforehand realized that the Covid-19 pandemic would be part of the shaking).
You have to be aware that in order to get there from here, a whole lot of 'hierarchies' and church boards and careers and titles and positions would be on the line. And a lot of men simply don't want to lose those things. It doesn't matter to them whether it is Truth or not. If it affects their reputation, their position or their organization, they will oppose it with everything they have.
Sadly, it is very difficult to see a "smooth" transition to this kind of Christianity. I believe we are in for a shaky ride. But I certainly believe that it is on God's agenda. And like the Great Reformation before it, I believe He will do WHATEVER IT TAKES in order to get us there.(This is truly the Great Awakening)!
Here's to true 'NEW TESTAMENT' Christianity, my friends - the kind that Jesus and the apostles actually invented in the beginning. Let us settle for nothing less - WHATEVER IT TAKES.
(Little did we realize that the new normal for church would be conference calls, zoom room, meeting outdoors and meeting on FB. The church has left the building. Years ago we prophesied, “ The church as we know it is no more.”)
Words in parentheses added May 31, 2020
Prophetic Joy by guest- Kathy Essig
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