Friday, June 28, 2013


Should we still observe the Sabbath and What exactly is the Sabbath?

(Isa 58:13-14)  If you turn your foot because of the Sabbath, from doing what you please on My holy days, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of Jehovah, honorable; and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words,then you shall delight yourself in Jehovah; and I will cause you to ride on the high places of the earth, and feed yourself with the inheritance of Jacob your father. For the mouth of Jehovah has spoken.

“Sabbath” is one of those terms we may think we understand when we do not. Let's take a closer look at what the Sabbath is, and what it is not.

There are some marvelous insights that begin to come to our heart when we take terms that we have worn out, some that we have presumed to understand and didn’t, and begin to re-assess them and see the breadth and practicality of their meaning and most of all the release that is wrapped up in them.
Sabbath is one of those terms.
Sabbath is resting from your own labors so that the Lord can work in you the work that He wants to work.
What the Sabbath is Not:
Isaiah 58:13–14: God is not saying:
1. I don’t want you to be happy—Cease “your own pleasure”—vs. 13
2. I don’t want you to say anything—Cease “your own words”—vs. 13
3. I don’t want you to do anything—Cease “seeking your own ways”—vs. 13

He does want us to get into the place where we can discern the difference between what He is doing in us, and not our own striving.

         Introduction of the Idea of Sabbath
         Genesis 2:1—3 says:
1. God ended His work
2. God rested from His work
3. God blessed the day
4. God sanctified the day

God’s Recommendation to Man
1. God did not need to rest.
2. God chose to rest.
3. Thus, the Sabbath is unrelated to physical weariness, although rest is a benefit.
4. God’s observance of a Sabbath is His unspoken recommendation to man.

Definition of Sabbath means to stop, to cease, to rest. It carries the idea of intermission or interruption. A refreshing, to catch your breath. (Ex. 31:17)

The Sabbath is/was:
1. Commanded—Ex. 20:8–11: God’s commands are not grievous. These things will keep you from destroying yourself.
2. Enforced—Num. 15:32—36: The Sabbath is part of relating correctly to the created order of things. It is also a way to honor the Lord.
3. Directed in a Sabbath of years. One out of seven years was to be a whole year of Sabbath. Then, after forty-nine years (or seven-sevens) an additional year, the year of jubilee.

New Testament Development of the Idea of Sabbath
Jesus’ word about the Sabbath.

1. The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath—Mt. 12:1–8
2. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath—Mk. 2:27

The idea of the Sabbath can be summed up in this:
    Ceasing from the idea that we ever get anything accomplished solely by the works of our own hands.
                 How Do We Observe a Sabbath Today?

    God does not have a favorite day to observe the Sabbath. Rom. 14:5, 6; Acts 15:28, 29

1. The Sabbath really has nothing to do with:
a.  Religious observance or
b. Days of worship

2. The Sabbath has everything to do with:
a) An attitude in our hearts where we recognize that the works of our hands will never get it done.
b) Our need to learn to move in to the Lord’s rest.

Move into the Lord’s Rest—Col. 2:16, 17; Heb. 4:1—11
1. Ask the Lord, “What am I to be doing?”
2. Ask Him how to observe Sabbath in your personal life.

3.      Remember that there is an element of fun and joy in Sabbath

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