It's gone, the Covenant that was established on 10
Commandments, many LAWS and whose benefits depended on the works of man. But a new one has come established on the Works of Jesus and His indestructible Life,
You are free from Works, Christ has purchased
your full freedom AND YOU WILL NEVER BE CONDEMNED Again!
This is a new year. I am a new creation! His mercies are new every morning. Behold all things have become new.
Grace Rules
Grace was not an addition to LAW in order to make
it less burdensome! It was God's intent all the way. for the law in fact lead
us here. The system of the Law was totally replaced! It's Grace and Grace
Faith is The Response of Your Heart to God's Truth!
Taking God's Opinions about you as totally true.
So When I say: All things work together for My
good, or I am Healed; I'm not praying, or being some what 'spiritual', or
talking to God. That's just declaring what is.
Heb. 6:17- God willing more abundantly to show
us(heirs) the immutability of His counsel, confirmed a promise by an oath; so
that by two immutable things it became impossible for Jehovah to lie...
He came sin.. that you and I might become the
righteousness of God.
He Became a curse... Now you are the blessing.
He became poor that you might be rich
He became.......... this...... that you might become....... that
Jesus took our imperfections and blotted them away...Now we are COMPLETE in Him.... without imperfections!
He became the false you so you could become the
real you.
We are perfect and complete in him.
This is the season of forgiveness, giving,
loving one another,prayer and happiness. Psalm 91 vs 16 and He is rewarding us with long life.
Christ has finished all the works available in
order to please God. All that remains is
therefore.......................................... REST. I've found out that
Rest is hard work for most people.
I cease from my own works and enter into the
rest of God.
I don't believe in impossibilities; it may seem
hard, uneasy for others, but for me it turns around... For all things are POSSIBLE
When things Go bad,.. It's not because I didn't
pray, fast, or sin, or God is angry or even because I believe in God... No!...
I don't believe in MYSELF, what power and authority is given me.
The New Creation is not an association of people
who shout the blood of Jesus or go to church, but God living on earth in His fullness visibly!
Christ in us the hope of glory!
I am God’s
expression. I am not serving God
I give expression to Him!
God is not lacking servants
So don't occupy where you don't fit!
If you were working to get to Heaven, just stop
and be happy for you have arrived
The Terminus of Life Is NOT Heaven...
You arrived in heaven when You were born from above.
(Fallen)Man Lived over 5,000 years outside his true habitation!...
I am in Christ... and in Him I have my being!-
What do you think is life expectancy for the New
Creature? FOREVER!!
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