Friday, December 22, 2017

The Birthing of Christ in You.

Christ - Mas - The Birthing Of Christ

We all know that Dec. 25 is not the day Jesus was born. Although most Christians celebrate December 25 as the birthday of Jesus Christ, few in the first two Christian centuries claimed any knowledge of the exact day or year in which he was born.

In this article I will not focus on that but,

I would like to reflect on the wonderfully familiar story about how Mary received the Word and "brought forth the Son into the WORLD." Her supernatural encounter with the Heavenly brought the personal stigma of having what was then viewed as an illegitimate child. This Child inside of her was the Living WORD.

In much that same way, we must intimately bring forth the Word into this WORLD. The Holy Spirit hovers over us. Surely, you know that you conceive and incubate His Word so that you will bring forth His living plan into this world. And, once again, the world will view our actions as illegitimate and unacceptable according to their understandings.

This conception of the Word IN YOU won't be accomplished through some rote confession or formula. John 5:39-40 says, "You search the scriptures... but you are not willing to come to Me that you may have LIFE." Only the impregnation of the synchronized power of heavenly intention within our human spirit brings forth the evidence of God. Even the wise men from the Far East (magicians from afar), searched the heavens to find guidance toward the birthplace of the coming Christ. They rightly interpreted the directions to follow the glowing light of one particular star to find Jesus.

The Day Star can be seen arising once again -- this time it is in OUR HEART (2 Pet. 1:19). This star gives those who search a glimpse of how to get to the place where the heavens speak. It urges them to follow the star until we can unwrap the man-child from His swaddling clothes.
We hear the angels singing, "What child is this?" It is the Christ birthed IN US -- what a wonder! For the whole world longs with eager and longing anticipation (Rom. 8:19) to look into the eyes of the corporate son and see the radiating Divine LIKENESS in that reflection.

Paul described how he labored by "suffering BIRTH pangs until CHRIST (the anointed chosenness of God) would be (or is) completely and permanently formed (molded) within you." (Gal. 4:19 AMP).

We are like Mary in this way. The Word becomes birthed IN US. We become one with Him. The Holy Ghost intercedes with sighs beyond words as He is delivered. We are brought through the veil and into the New Day.

This great MYSTERY of cosmic proportions continues to unveil before us at this moment. The bells toll, "Do You Hear What I Hear?" A child, a child, sleeping in the night - He will bring us goodness and light. The child is growing up!

We receive LIGHT that reveals the present manifest revealing of the Christ-like (huios, grown up) sons of God.

This concept was so mis-understood in previous generations that most are very weary of considering it again. But, the truth is, all of creation is still waiting (Rom. 8:19-22) for this BIRTHING of CHRIST within a people - it is the transfiguration of the Body of Christ.

 "For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God." "Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest IN HIS SAINTS." "Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.” Romans 8:19,Col. 1:26,1 Cor. 15:51

The restructuring and conversion of all creation continually waits for us to stop acting and looking like the world and start acting and looking LIKE CHRIST.

The formation of CHRIST (the nature of the One Who smears with anointing) IN US quickens our mortal body and raises us from the grave of death and into effectiveness. CHRIST-ians show forth the "GLORY" of God that becomes visibly expressed LIGHT. That means we replicate the inward Christ-like nature (LIKENESS, character, and intention) of Jesus on earth today - in an outward manner. Christ IN US the hope of GLORY (Col. 1:27).

THE SECOND and opposing mystery is the MYSTERY OF LAWLESSNESS or the Anti-Christ (2 Thess. 2:5-8). This principle is the ANTITHESIS (opposite) to Christ (the Anointed choseness) IN US.

It is the spirit of anti-Christ (that which is AGAINST THE ANOINTING of CHRIST being revealed). Anti (instead, against, not toward, opposing) Christ (the anointed choseness of God) IN US.

Notice that this lawlessness is NOT called "Anti-Jesus," but "Anti-Christ." Anti-Christ (instead of anointing) consists of anything that opposes the anointing or resists those who walk in the LIKENESS of the Anointed One (Matt. 12:32).

Anti-Christ could be any intellectual theology without Divine igniting. It opposes the birthing of CHRIST within a people.

2 Thessalonians 2:7 tells us that Jesus will overthrow and uncover this mystery of lawlessness with the breath of His mouth and He will destroy lawlessness by the SPLENDOR OF HIS APPEARING. This word "splendor" is epithania, from which we derive our word "epiphany." This splendor is "a shining forth of the coming of Lord, and the Glory of Jesus as lightning seen from east to the west."

In view of His appearing (epiphany, SHINING FORTH) - (we) preach the gospel (2 Tim. 4:1 MSG). AN EPIPHANY is a sudden and striking awareness (en-LIGHT-ening) of the crucial significance of a truth.

The epiphany (or radiating grandeur of His glowing appearance) is further explained in 2 Timothy 1:9b-10, "This grace WAS GIVEN US in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has NOW BEEN REVEALED through the APPEARING (the glorious OUTSHINING) of our Savior, who has destroyed death and has (already) brought LIFE and IMMORTALITY to LIGHT through the gospel." We don't have to wait. The light of God is REVEALED TO US, and IN US, THROUGH US and AS Us.- in this ever present NOW.

Merry Christmas!!

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