Sunday, February 2, 2020


(Eph. 1:13) in whom also you, having heard (the verb here is continuous and progressive) the Word of Truth, the gospel of our salvation, in whom also having believed (verb continuous and progressive), you were sealed
(verb past tense) with the Holy Spirit of promise,
1:13 Now you (Gentiles) also have discovered yourselves to be equally included in Him having witnessed the unveiled logic of God. (The Word of truth, alethea, from a + lanthano, not hidden) What exciting news! Your salvation is publicly announced. Consistent with the promise of God, the Holy Spirit gives authentic guarantee to the fact of your faith, like the stamp of a signet ring that certifies a document. You are in Him! Mirror

Notice the verbs having heard and having believed:
These are Past Progressive (Continuous) Verbs, meaning they happened in the past and continue. When in the past? When did you hear?

I teach you heard from the beginning and then later in this physical life accepted that, acknowledged Christ. Gen. 1:26, 2Tim.1:9, 1 John 2:24, Is. 46:10, Eph 1:4,1 John 2:11-12, 1 John 2:13-14

Paul now turns his attention from the Jews (“we”) to the Gentiles (“you”). Those who have turned from paganism also have a share in the mystery of God’s plan for mankind. Paul outlines the steps by which the Ephesians and other Gentiles had been brought into union with Christ.

The steps follow:
1. They heard the gospel.
2. They trusted in Jesus Christ.
3. They were sealed with Holy Spirit.

This process never changes. There is only one plan of salvation for man. First a person must hear the Gospel—the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The word “hear” implies understanding, which is accomplished by the Holy Spirit’s convicting and convincing action upon the mind and heart of the individual (John 16:7-15). The word convict means convince.

Once a person understands what Christ has accomplished for him—the fact that Christ paid the penalty-price for his/her sin/sins—he /she then may either reject or receive, acknowledge God’s gift by faith alone in Christ alone. Of course, the faith of God is already in you. Gal 2:20. More on the faith (All About Faith) at http://
These are the steps which are taught for salvation:

A person makes a genuine, willful decision to trust only in Christ, and not in anything else (self-efforts, good works, any institution or process), the Holy Spirit:(1) baptizes (immerses) him into the Body of Christ and (2) seals his spirit for all eternity.

Eph. 1:13c you were sealed (verb past tense) with the Holy Spirit of promise,

“Sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise.” This means that every person who acknowledges Jesus/Yeshua in his heart. (Rom. 10:8-10), then the Spirit of God confirms and promises that he/she belongs to God and that he will be kept safe by God until the time he receives his glorified body. 

Of course, you belonged to God from the beginning. However, now you acknowledge that in your heart. We are reconciled to God. Reconciliation means agree with Father God about you. Jesus came to reveal the Father. Gen 1:26; 2 Tim. 1:9 1 John 1:1;1 John 2:24 Ephesians 1:4 1 John 2:7
Then the mark of ownership is confirmed as well as the source of power for living. We’re not under Law, but rather Grace, we’re under no demands to keep the commandments. Jesus/ Yeshua fulfilled the law. He came to reveal all the Father has for us from the beginning. The lamb was slain from the foundation of the world.Rev. 13:8page3image42506432

Revelation 13:8 "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."

Christ being slain from the foundation of the world illustrates not only that He was foreordained to be slain, but also that the efficacy, or the beneficial effects of that death, is the same as if that sacrifice had been made before the creation of the world. Thus, Old Testament saints are washed clean in Christ's blood the same as we are today. It was something which was as good as 'done' from the time that God ordained it. Jesus revealed all of that.
We are now under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
When I say that, I get people saying; “oh that is hyper grace “Well what are you, just sort of set loose, and set free?” No, here’s the difference. We now recognize we have Holy Spirit, Spirit of Christ and He becomes our rudder, guide. He convinces me of righteous and sin. It doesn’t give us freedom to steal and covet, and all these other things that the Ten Commandants dealt with, because the Holy Spirit Himself takes care of that. He convinces me of righteous and sin.

John 16:8 (Holy Spirit) having come, He will convict (convince) the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment; YLT
Gk.1651 elegchó:convict, convince, reprove, confute, admonish.

Realizing salvation is a desire to BE changed. He convinces us of our righteousness and we want to live out of that righteousness, Our whole design on life is changed, and this is what the world around us cannot understand.
Just as in legal matters a seal indicates ownership and security, so it does in divine affairs. The indwelling Spirit brands us as God’s property (1 Cor. 6:19, 20), and guarantees our preservation until the day of redemption
(Eph. 4:30).

Our seal is called the “Holy Spirit of promise.” First, He is the “Holy” Spirit, Spirit of Christ; this is what He is in Himself. Then, He is the Spirit of “promise.” He was promised by the Father (Joel 2:28; Acts 1:4), and by the Lord Jesus (John 16:7). In addition, He is the guarantee that all God’s promises to the believer will be fulfilled.

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