Friday, March 6, 2020

The Church, the Body of Christ

What the Church or Body of Christ is not…

1 – The Church or Body of Christ is not a plan of God, or an insert due to the Jew’s rejection of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 3:3-5

2 – The Church or Body of Christ is not Judaism.  It is the Christ made up of Jew and Gentile, bond and free, all drinking into ONE Spirit as recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:13. The church today is not the revival of the old Jewish sacrificial system, nor is it the restoring of the old Levitical order. New order.

3 – The Church or Body of Christ is not a denomination. Denominationalism requires a process of voting and election of a human head as its leadership, and a numerical calculation to reason why we have over 20,000 divisions in the church at large  It is not “Baptist, Methodist, Charismatic, Dogmatic, or Schismatic,  “Is Christ divided?” No! It is not just fellowship with the fellows in our ship, us four and no more.

4 – The Church or Body of Christ is not a physical building structure.Acts 19:37, the Greek word for churches is actually the word “Temple.”In truth, a temple, sanctuary, or physical tabernacle is the meeting place of the “Ekklesia,” the “called-out ones, “ but never to be designated in the literal or strict text concerning HIS church. When people asks“Where is your church, or what size is your church?” They have little to no revelation of what the church really is. 

What the Church of Body of Christ is…

1 - The Church or Body of Christ is the Ekklesia, the called-out people of a high calling{Philippians 3:14}, a holy calling {2 Timothy 1:9}, and a heavenly calling
Therefore, all sons of God are called. And callings are usually confirmed in corporately appointed gatherings, too. Col. 4:17. Some things the Lord will give to his servants in person or private, but there are also some things the Lord will not reveal except in the corporate anointing of the saints. No one person alone is the entire corporate body of Christ. NO one person can say "I am Christ the Body exclusively.Not so. We are members {ligaments and limbs, organs} one of another, and at some point in time and in the process of our purpose,you will assemble and engage in a local visible expression of corporate grace.

When Israel was called together out of their tents or homes to the door of the Tabernacle of the Congregation that was the church, the assembly, or the called-out ones. They did not assemble because they merely saw one another doing so. They assembled together because that was their divine calling. So every time we assemble together in the place {gathering} of the Lord’s choosing, the place where his name is,the called-out assembly of the Lord.  For though we are born from above and redeemed by his shed blood, that personal calling unto God must become corporate and defined among other’s of like precious faith.

Many feel there is no need to fellowship with others. However, we need to adjust mentalities toward the commitment to God for His appointed flocks, and be healed of those past hurts. Commitment is preceded by relationship. We are corporate in anointing, but also corporate in relationship.

2 – The Church or Body of Christ is God’s Eternal Purpose. According to Acts 15:18, “Known unto God are al his works from the beginning of the world…” God’s eternal purpose is centered in Christ and HIS body. The church or the body of Christ is making manifest what God has been saying and doing in eternity from the beginning. For Romans 16:25-26says, “Now unto him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began. But now is MADE MANIFESTED…" For that is where the church {His body} is now positioned, to become and to manifest these eternal realms of HIS unlimited Glory! It is the kairos time, the appointed time of the Lord for MANIFESTATION! 

3 – The Church of the Body of Christ is ONE NEW MAN.  Ephesians 2:15-16 confirms, “Having abolished In his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain {two} one new man, so making peace. And that
he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity {hostility} thereby:”

4 – The Church or the Body of Christ is Christ the Body. To say “Christ the body” would disturb the natural order of things in some religious camps. In the transition of the corporate anointing, we are moving from the glorious church to the glorified church, a church manifesting the very life of Christ in every part. For as with Enoch in Hebrews 11:5, he walked with God and was translated. And before his ascension into the unlimited glory of the Lord, he had the testimony of pleasing God.

Therefore, to become glorious {Ephesians 5:26-27} is the pathway to becoming glorified. In the words of Jesus in his high priestly prayer of John 17:5 {the real model prayer}, he desired of the Father to glorify him{the son} with his own self {the Father}, the very substance and pure nature of God, the pre-existing glory of the Lord made manifest. In the fullness of time; for mortal does put on immortality, and mortality is swallowed up by life. 1 Co. 15:51-54: 2 Co. 5:1-7

5 – The Church or the Body of Christ is ONE BODY and MANY MEMBERS. For as the body is ONE, and has many members {limbs and ligaments}, and all the members of that body being many, are one body in Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12; The body of Christ is a living and breathing reality. It is a realm of believers - saints where we live, move,and have our being in HIM. {Acts 17:28}, a dimension of the Spirit where Christ is becoming all in all. Here, the body is full of ministries {I see men as trees or ministries – Mark 8:24}. With diversities of gifts, differences of administration, and diversities of operation, it is assuredly, one body. 1 Co. 12:4-6, a many member SON, the multiplicity of the Last Adam & quickening spirit - the Multiplied Christ!!

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