Monday, September 13, 2010


The early church was often able to SEE and incredibly discern. Think about how they could receive revelation from Paul, even though he had murdered many Christians before his conversion. Yet, those previously potential victims were later able to give great love and affection to him.

In this way, the arising church must rightly discern the Body (1 Cor. 11:29) and connect with those whom God has sent. Their past may seem strange. But, in spite of who they might have been, God sends them now. Even this very moment, we can experience a deeper drawing from the Spirit that allows us to SEE others with "Kingdom Eyes." (Col. 1:27, 3:16, Eph. 3:17, Acts 2:4, 1 Jn. 2:27, Jn. 14:17).


Jesus gave His very first talk in the temple. Among other things, He said the "Spirit of the Lord is upon Me... to give sight to the blind." Numerous Biblical stories tell about the blind receiving sight - and going from darkness (symbol of lack of energy) into seeing variegated refractions of light. These are not just cute little Bible stories for the flannel board presentations, but they reveal accurate modes of operation and mentalities which the Lord desires for us to comprehend.

New mentalities redefine the framework of our lives.We move past private goals and selfish ambitions.

Jesus walked past this poor Gentile beggar who had been born blind and had never seen the light of day. The beggar sat near the pool of Siloam (which meant "sent," and represents the Apostolic ministry that soon awaited him).

Assuming (wrongly) that there was a direct correlation between sin and suffering, the neighbors asked Jesus: "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (9:2) They were probably considering the common Jewish superstitions of reincarnation or the popular Pythagorean notion that concerned the transmigration of pre-existing souls from one body to another.

Notice how Jesus refused to debate their limited doctrines. He also didn't tell them how that sickness was from God to help that beggar develop his character and learn a specific lesson. He didn't teach that sickness makes people grow closer to God! He didn't suggest that God was punishing this man for an inappropriate life-style, or that the hidden meaning of his city cultivated a particular demon. NO. This beggar wasn't born blind to develop a character trait like God. Instead, Jesus dismissed their religious ideas and stopped their empty speculation. Disease, sickness, and blindness are conflicting realities with the Kingdom of LIGHT.

God works in the LIGHT.

Jesus told them it is NOW time to work (our task) the works (the labor) of God (miracles and POWER) while it is daylight (light) and not be religious. Jesus (the LIGHT of the WORLD" - Jn. 9:5) explained how the healing of this particular blindness would enable the "work of God to be revealed in his life" (9:3-5 NIV). The One who is Light spat on the dust in order to heal the beggar who had lived in continual darkness (9:6- 7).

Remember also that the name Adam meant "ground, or dirt." And notice the parallel here, how the Adamic nature is immediately transformed and able to SEE! ("Redeemed dirt" became filled with the indwelling LIFE contained in His saliva.) Blindness opposes, resists, or disagrees with the crucial ways & timing of the Kingdom.

This healing would have the momentum and spiritual force to blast the once-blind man beyond traditional mindsets and leave him mentality awakened to the irresistible possibility of unlimited sight.

(9:8-12) The second stated purpose for this healing was so that it would be a "witness to this land and people." We read how the incredulous neighbors couldn't "believe their eyes" (9:8-9). This miracle provided an observable purpose-driven advance of the Kingdom into their midst.

Most miracles of Jesus were accomplished on the Sabbath (which is the 7th day from Adam (3rd day from the cross).

(9:13-27) Immediately, the fault-finding religious leaders asked how this healing could have happened on the Sabbath (when Jews were forbidden to "work")? (Type of seventh day/third day healing.) The Pharisees tried to get the now-seeing man to denounce Jesus (9:24). But instead, he infuriated them with his first-hand testimony, "One thing I do know. I was blind, but now I SEE!" (9:25). Then... he ironically asked them if they also wanted to be Jesus' disciples (9:26-27)!

(9:28-29) Suddenly, the once-blind man became the religious instructor of the Pharisees! He fearlessly declared that they must be blind not to SEE the truth (9:30-33). With that, the Pharisees angrily excommunicated him (9:34). This man was excluded from his past routines because he no longer saw (viewed) things like he did before. There was a total separation from the previous religious system.

Warning! Finding your new in-SIGHT will also exclude you from most of your previous relationships. (9:35-41) Notice how right after Jesus explained that He was the Son of Man (9:38), there was a continued process of greater clarity of vision. Jesus explained how the light from God blinds the eyes of those who rejected it (9:39). The Pharisees were shocked: "What? Are we blind too?" (9:40). Jesus answered that because they claimed NOT to be blind, their sin (and darkness) remained (9:41).

The beggar was both physically and spiritually healed, while the physically sighted "spiritual leaders" plunged deeper and deeper into the darkness of being wise in their own eyes. This story points out that EVERYONE HAS THE potential ABILITY TO SEE INTO THE ETERNAL REALMS. But because these Pharisees were spiritually blind, they failed to discern (SEE) who Jesus really was. The eyes of their hearts (faith) were closed.

Then the eyes of THOSE WHO SEE will no longer be closed... (Is. 32:3 NIV)

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