Monday, August 13, 2012

Jabez Prayer (New Covenant Version)

Jabez’ Prayer for My Life (New Covenant Version)
I ask that You bless me indeed--

I thank You, Lord, that You have blessed me exceedingly, abundantly beyond all that I can ask or imagine, that you have blessed me with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, that my life is blessed to be a blessing in the lives of those I come in contact with. I receive the blessings that overtake me today. Your blessing lives in me and through me.
Enlarge my territory--

Lord, I thank you that You increase the boundaries and extend the margins of my knowledge, understanding and wisdom.  I thank you that You enlarge my heart to receive from You and enlarge my vision to fulfill my God-given destiny. Christ in me the hope of glory.
May Your hand be on me--

I thank you that Your hand is on me- - That in everything I do, it will be inspired by Your Spirit, that I will be enabled to live the life that keeps me sensitive to Your leading. As You are in this world so am I.
Keep me from harm, 

I thank you that You have disarmed principalities and powers and made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in total victory of the cross. (Col. 2:19)  I thank you that you have given me authority to trample on scorpions and serpents and over every power of the enemy, and nothing by no means shall harm me. (Luke 10:19) I resist every evil  influence under the enemy’s command in the name of Jesus and with the blood of the cross, demolishing every stronghold attempting to influence  my heart, mind, emotions, or will against the knowledge of God. I thank you that you keep me from evil, that it might not grieve me- - I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of You, Lord, You are my refuge and my strength, and no plague shall come near my dwelling.
that I might serve you in full health and strength-

Now, Father, I thank You for enabling me to love You with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. I thank You, Lord, that by Your Spirit You help me to live so that my heart does not condemn me, so that my life is obedient and pleasing to You , Christ living in me and through me. I am.
And God granted my request."

I thank You that You finished  the work.  You perfectly accomplished Your work in me. You nothing undone or incomplete. You left nothing unfinished or deficient. You left nothing unaccomplished or lacking. Your work was totally sufficient.Your work was finished in me from the foundations of the world. Now I walk in it. I be. So be it.

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