Sunday, May 17, 2015


At the center of my Being is a limitless, deathless, ageless spirit, THE Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, perfect in beauty, perfect in function. My spirit shall become manifest in my soul and body and in my affairs. ~ When I am faced with apparent confusion or failure, given a minute or two, I will surrender, give over each problem and every worry to that which has the perfect solution and in which there is absolute clarity...The CHRIST in me...
Colossians 1:27 KJV:
To whom God would make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
We must remember that there were three types of people that were anointed in the Old Testament; Prophets (1kg.19; 2kg.2), Priests (Ex. 40) and Kings (1 Sam. 16).
Jesus is a Prophet (Acts 3:18-23), Priest (Heb.7:26) and King (Rev.19:16). All three offices meet in Him. So the Anointed One (the Christ) is a Prophet, Priest and King.
If Christ is in you, then the “Christ” within you (the Anointed One, the New Nature) is a Prophet, Priest and King.
There is an Anointed One (Christ) in the believer that is prophetic (declaring God unto men), priestly (bringing men unto God), and kingly (ruling by the power of God’s name).

Since we are all saved, we have Christ living within us. Let's allow him to minister to us, through us, and to and through others. 1 Peter 4:10 says,"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms". We want to be good stewards of God's grace so let's be willing to share Christ within us  to the world.

Father, In Jesus name, I am cleansed by the Blood of Jesus and therefore I am righteous before You and the Holy Spirit dwells within me. He is in my thought patterns because I present my whole body as a living sacrifice, alive, holy and acceptable to God. I bring every thought of my mind and my soul into captivity to the mind of Christ. I will be bold to speak those things which You wish to have me say and I will not doubt or question. I am a believer in You Lord Jesus. I have prayed in faith and now I will expect to GIVE OUT EVERYDAY!!

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