Monday, December 31, 2018

2019, the Biblical meaning of 19

My Exhortation for the New Year: by Roy E. Richmond

The biblical meaning for the number 19 since we are entering the year 2019.
I told her first, the number 18, is the biblical number for BONDAGE. Almost every time the number 18 is used, it is in reference to a type or time of bondage.

During the year 2018, we have seen the greatest number of people in history, coming out of the bondage of religiosity and the many traditions of men who have made the truthful Gospel, non-affect.
The word “religion” comes from a Latin and Greek word that means “to bind up and hold back”; that’s bondage. Not only religion but we are starting to come out of the bondage of the systems of this world. Many people have and are questioning that which they have put their faith in, which has brought more bondage, fear, shame, and doubt. They are seeking the true God of eternal love, that they can put their faith in. The problem is, many have placed their faith in more truths that come from sensory understanding that is not Spiritual. If you want to know your Creator Father, you must ascertain, seek and desire to know Father in Spirit and in Truth; not from carnal sight, carnal hearing and carnal knowledge.

That being said, the number 19 is the biblical number for FAITH. I believe this year we will see more and more people, entering into the true FAITH of our Father Creator, to the point that they will agree with what Father “hath” said of man when man was formed, from the foundation of the world: Genesis 1:26, “Saith God, become man as a representative figure in resemblance: have dominion over…. 27 So created God, man as a representative figure in resemblance, God created himself male and female, to create Himself (God) everlastingly.” RERichmond Tree of Life Bible®

The true translation of Hebrews 11:6 is, “Without FAITH in what Jesus revealed of man's Oneness with Father God, it will be impossible for any man to agree with God that they are righteous, holy and in His perfect image.” Thirty-eight times in the New Testament, we see the phrase, “by Faith.” It is used 19 times in the book of Hebrews, where all the people who were listed, it stated, “By faith, we; by faith Abel; by faith Enoch; by faith Noah; by faith Abraham and the list goes on.

The phrase “through faith” is used fifteen times in the N. T. One is Heb 11:3 “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Another place is, Eph 2:8 “For by Holy Spirit are you rescued through faith; and that not of yourselves: IT (Holy Spirit) is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Therefore, it is through FAITH that we UNDERSTAND. One of the things the Apostle Paul charged people with is being “without UNDERSTANDING.” In Paul’s discussion of justification by FAITH in Romans, he used the word “FAITH” NINETEEN times. The word FAITH is not found again in the book of Romans until Romans 9:30 when Paul is contrasting Israel’s blindness with the FAITH of the Gentiles (those who were not Jew).

The curtains of the court of the Tabernacle were 100 cubits long on both the north and south sides, and FIVE cubits high. FIVE represents Grace (Holy Spirit in Man). There were 20 pillars in each of these long sides. This gives NINETEEN spaces between the twenty pillars and connects the number NINETEEN with the number FIVE, and as I wrote above, Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by Holy Spirit (5) are you rescued (14) through faith (19); and that not of yourselves: IT (Holy Spirit) is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

The number NINETEEN is only used three times in the Bible. THREE is the biblical number for Resurrection, Divine Completeness and Perfection.
You will experience the reality of Resurrection Life, your Divine Completeness and your eternal Perfection, as you understand the Truthful Word of God and put your faith, only in what Father God has said, from the foundation.

My prayer is by this time next year 2020, we will all be living out of our full Redemption back to our Father; TWENTY being the word “REDEMPTION.”

I long for the day when all teachers, preachers, and all people will be teaching only, Father’s REDEMPTION REDEMPTION (2020). Father never needed to be redeemed to man, it was mankind that had a false sense of separation. Man needed to be redeemed back to Father by hearing the Truthful Word and putting their faith in what was

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