Monday, December 31, 2012

2013, "The Year of Recapture"

Sunday, I released a word that Holy Spirit whispered in my ear: " This is the Year of Recapture."

You shall recapture  many things that have been seemingly lost this year. This is a year of abounding, abounding grace and blessings; those blessings that you did not capture that were abounding, overtaking you will be recaptured this year. You have sought the kingdom, My Supernatural Dominion and now these things in the natural shall be added to you, not only added but multiplied, multiplied grace.

Thirteen in man's eyes is superstitious, unlucky, but  in the kingdom this is a year of great blessings, provision and increase.

Why does the number 13 give people such a bad case of the heebie-jeebies?

"The number 13 has a number of very old references that tend to be associated with groups of 13 people," 

"At the Last Supper in Christian theology, there were 13 dinner guests, so that number is unlucky because Christ was betrayed. 

So it was the religious group that gave us this superstition.However, we know differently.

The number 13 promise has such a blessing on it what God has promised in his strength. 

Later on  in research I found:

Definition of 'Recapture'
Recapture is an accounting/investment term
1. A condition set by the seller of an asset that gives him/her the right to purchase back some or all of the assets within a certain period of time. 2. A situation where an individual must add back a deduction from a previous year to his or her income.3. A stipulation that allows you to buy back your shares at some future point in time, if you wish. 4.For example, when a business sells an asset and must recapture (add back) some of the depreciation.

Synonyms for recapture: get back, reacquire, recover, reclaim, re-collect, recoup, regain, repossess, retake, retrieve

Scriptural references to 13:

(Gen 17:25)  And his son Ishmael was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.

"The number 13 when it comes to the Jewish culture, this number signifies a turning point from within one's life, a turning point that indicates increased responsibility and accountability. 

When a  Jewish boy comes of age at 13-years-old he has become a "bar mitzvah" and is recognized by Jewish tradition as having the same rights as a full grown man. A boy who has become a Bar Mitzvah is now morally and ethically responsible for his decisions and actions.

The Body of Christ shall come into more maturity in this year, more responsible and a greater visibility in the world system.

(1Ki 7:1)  And Solomon was thirteen years building his own house. And he finished all his house.

Again the house the Lord is building (us) is coming into completion .(Eph 2:21)  In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:

(Measurement of the temple: Eze 40:11)  And he measured the breadth of the gate-opening, ten cubits. The length of the gate was thirteen cubits.

The woman with an issue of blood had it for 12 years but in the 13th year she walked free from issues. 13 is a time to be done with cycles that are not DONE.

In theNew Testament there were 12 disciples but when Judas betrayed...they appointed Matthias .... 

Matthias which means gift of God or to accomplish. God said forget who betrays you...celebrate the gift of God and be productive ... accomplish.

The wall of Jericho fell on the 13th time time each day for 6 and 7 times on the 7th day = 13.

Abraham was 86 when the promise of Isaac was given..... 86+13= 99- 13 is the difference between a promise made and a promise manifested.

The number “13” does not mean “evil,” but rather it is a most powerful God-given promise that will change the world for ever. Some of the more  aspects of the promise are:

10+3= 13...Ten - Relates to human governments and law. Three - Signifies completion or perfection, and unity. 

The number 13 is the difference of what man can do and what God can do.

The number 13 is the number of (new) life, new cycle.
The number 13 promise always brings excitement, hope and desperation for the promise to be fulfilled.
The number 13 promise is always presented in the presence of unfavorable circumstances, though in time, the circumstances will give way to the birth of the promise.

 In researching--Always look to Genesis, the seed book:

(Gen 1:12-13)  And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day.

 This is the 3rd Day: After “two days,” after 2,000 years, He has promised to “revive” us. He is quickening us, restoring us to life and health. “In” (during) the Third Day He has determined to “raise us up.” He has roused us from sleep and empowered us to stand up again. 

We are recapturing our inheritance in Him.

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