Forces of the Recreated Spirit
Matthew 21:22:And all things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.
Mark 9:23:Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
Mark 11:23&24:For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
Mark 16:17&18:And these signs will follow those who believe: In My Name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.
What does it mean when a person says, "Well, we’ll just have to go by faith."?
Most of the time when people speak about doing things by faith, that is the idea that we have isn’t it? We have the idea that faith means rejecting all common sense and just doing something irrational. What is this faith? Is it something that God gives only to select individuals? Or is faith, perhaps a sixth sense that we are able to develop and use? These are some of the issues that I want to try and address here.
Creative Spiritual Forces
So I want to share in this message on the forces that dwell in the human spirit, and specifically the recreated spirit in Christ; the human spirit that is indwelt with God’s Holy Spirit from the moment of the new birth. There are spiritual forces there. There is spiritual energy. There is power. the Word says dunamis/dynamite power.
God has given to man the ability to use the power that is in his spirit to create, even as He created, using the power of his Spirit; the Spirit coming to bear on the physical creation and causing a change to take place in it. Well, if Spirit has the power to change the physical then there must be some kind of force, some kind of energy, some kind of power that is in the Spirit that enables it to bring about those changes.
God has made us to be a spirit dwelling in a body, and therefore possessing a soul that mediates between spirit and body. By our spirits we are in touch with God’s Spirit and His realm, and by our bodies we are in touch with this physical realm. And somehow we need to cause the forces that are in our spirit to flow out into the physical.
Functions of the Spirit
As we look at these three parts to our being we see that each of these parts has functions that are built into them. They are created to function in certain ways.
Spiritual Knowledge
God has made the human spirit, and all spirit, to have three main functions. The first one I call spiritual knowledge, spiritual knowing. A word that is often used is the word "intuition". Supposedly women have more of this. In a sense that is true, because women tend to develop more of that capacity, that creative spiritual capacity. Intuition is knowing; the ability to know deep within your spirit.
Spiritual Communication
Then there is spiritual communication, or communion, or fellowship. That is the ability of one’s spirit to communicate with and to have communion with another spirit. That is when two spirits can touch each other and communicate, not like we communicate in the flesh, but there is a touching of spirits that takes place.
Spiritual Wisdom
Then there’s a third function in the human spirit, which I call spiritual wisdom. Wisdom always tends to have an orientation towards the future. It has an orientation involved in decision-making. It is the ability to be able to anticipate what is going to happen, to make decisions, and to change your circumstances and move in a specific direction, based on that inner knowing. Sometimes people use the word "premonition" as related to this. It is a sense of foreknowledge.
God has made the human spirit in the same image as His Holy Spirit, and spirit has these functions.
He has put into man; what God has designed us to have, and what God by the power of His Spirit wants to highly amplify in us, in order that we as His children may rule and reign in Jesus Christ in this earth.
We Rule in the Earth
The Scripture says, "Those who received the abundance of grace will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." We are meant to be reigning in this earth as kings, but we are groveling. We are groveling under the powers of darkness. We are groveling under the forces of this world, because we are allowing ourselves to be dominated by this world, and by those people that the enemy is using in this world system . We are allowing ourselves to grovel and saying, "I wish God would do something when the ball is in our court.
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