The Laws of the Spirit
Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.
Natural Laws
We tend to live our lives according to certain laws. In fact we grow up in this life being familiar with a certain number of natural laws. We call them the laws of nature. In the world and in science they use terms like ‘Mother Nature’, and they are indicating the idea that certain principles and certain things happen continuously in certain patterns.
There are natural laws. I am speaking here not about laws like, "Thou shalt, and thou shalt not …", not those kinds of laws. I am talking about principles; laws like the law of gravity, things that always work. They always work, and unless you have another law that is working against that law, you can always count on it operating exactly the same way every time.
Law of Gravity
So, for example with the law of gravity, that law always applies. If you drop something it is going to fall. Any object that is within the atmosphere of the earth is going to be drawn by the force of gravity and head towards the center of the earth. But the law of gravity can be overcome by other laws, like the ‘Laws of Aerodynamics’. So man has learnt to harness the laws of aerodynamics and get an airplane to fly in the sky and to defy gravity.
Daily and Seasonal Laws
So we trust in these natural laws. We depend on them. When you get up in the morning you expect to see the sun coming up. At night you expect to see it going down. After summer you expect winter. The seasons are there. They are all natural cycles and natural laws. God has set up everything in this earth to work according to specific principles. And if you are ignorant of the law it does not mean that the law does not work any more. If you drop a glass by accident, it still breaks.
Spiritual Laws
Now, I want you to know that there are other laws. There are natural laws, but there are also the laws of the Spirit. There are laws that we are often not aware of, even though we may use them. And even though we may at times say we do not even believe in them, they nevertheless exist, and they function and operate in exactly the same way as the natural laws.
In this study I want to show you some of the laws of the Spirit, and I am going to show you from the Word of God how God applied the laws of the Spirit and how He intends us to apply them. This is just going to be an introduction into this whole subject that we are going to be going into on the Way of Blessing. We are going to learn as we continue along this series, how to take those spiritual laws that God has given and instituted in the earth, and use them to move into what God has for us, because if we do not use them we are not going to obtain results.
I want to first show you how God applied the spiritual laws. If you go back to the passage we have just looked at, I want you to see four things that took place as God performed the creation on the earth. Genesis 1:1 says:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.The creation that took place there was when God created everything out of nothing. It was the original word of creation that took place before time began. The Bible does not give us any insight into that. The curtain is closed. And suddenly in verse 2 of Genesis 1 we read of another creation. It is not the original creation. God did not create the earth without form and void. He did not create it that way. We can go into that as another study and show you from the Scriptures that God did not make the earth that way. The earth was not created that way originally. Somewhere in time something happened that the earth became a wasteland, covered with water, in darkness, and without form and void.
God Used Materials to Create
So the earth was already created. It was already there, but it was a shapeless mass and in darkness. That was the material that God started with in His creation. Perhaps we can rather call it a recreation, or a reformation of what was already in the earth. So God began the creation, and He started with materials. That is the first thing I want you to notice. God started with a material in His hands in order to create.
Spirit of God Involved in Creation
Then the Scripture says that the Spirit of God hovered over, or brooded over the waters. The Spirit of God was involved in bringing about this creation. So before a creation or a reformation of the materials could take place, the Spirit of God came into close contact with those materials. So we start with materials and we cause spiritual power to come upon the materials. That is the first stage that took place in the creation.
God Spoke
Then the Scripture says that God spoke. "And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light." If you read throughout Genesis 1, you will see it happening again and again.
"And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the heavens.’ ‘Let the vegetation come forth.’ "
Again and again you see God said, "Let there be …" And as He spoke what happened is that Spirit that was brooding over the materials, moved in on the materials and shaped them into what God had spoken.
God Named the Creation
Then finally, after God had spoken His Word of creation, He looked down upon what had been created, checked it out to see that it was correct, He said it was good, and gave it a name.
Laws of the Spirit
Law 1 - The Spiritual Realm Is Greater
I want you to see here some spiritual laws that God applied. I want you to see firstly that the spiritual realm is greater than the physical realm. The spiritual realm - the area, the realm, the power, the force of Spirit - is greater than the physical world. And Spirit, moving upon the physical creation, can cause a change to take place in that creation.
Law 2 - Power Is Released Through Words
Secondly, that power of the Spirit to bring about a change in the physical realm, is released when words are spoken. The power of the Spirit of God to create the earth was released when God spoke words into the earth; when God said. As He said, the power of the Spirit was released to bring about a change in the creation.
Law 3 - A Blueprint Is Needed
Then thirdly, there has to be a blueprint. God had a picture in His mind if you wish, of what He wanted to create. When God said, "Let there be ..." He knew what He was speaking into existence. He did not just throw it together like the evolutionists want to tell us, and it all just went along by itself and decided how it was going to create itself. No! God had a very clear picture in His mind of what each stage of creation was going to be.
So after God had spoken, He looked down to make sure that it looked like He had planned it to look. Then He could look upon it and say, "Yes, that’s good." He called everything good. It matched the blueprint. It matched the pattern.
Law 4 - The Creator Has the Copyright
Then the fourth spiritual law is that the person who creates has the power to control the creation that was made. Here in the Bible you will see the first evidence of copyright. God put His copyright on His creation when He named it. I used to think that copyright was one of those things that man had created and it was very selfish of people to try and keep to themselves some of the things that they had created and to get the benefits from it. But I want you to know that copyright it scriptural. It started right back here again already.
Adam Given Copyright
Actually, when God created He did not keep all the copyright. He gave some of it to Adam. In fact if you look at Genesis 1, you will see that only in the first three days of creation did God actually name the things that He created. After that He did not, until He came to His final day of creation when He made mankind (all our spirits) and then again He formed the first man(body) and named His man Adam. But between the third and the sixth days of creation God did not give a name. Do you know why? Because He gave the copyright to Adam.
Later on when the animals were brought to Adam God did not bring them and say to Adam, "Okay, Adam, this one over here with the big mane is a lion, and that tall one with the tusks and the big ears, that’s an elephant." No, He said, "Adam, I’ve made them, but you have the copyright. Call them whatever you like. The choice is yours."
God gave to Adam, to man, (dominion and authority) control over the creation that He had made.
Creation of Mankind
Now, let’s get to the creation of mankind. You will see that in Genesis 2:7, the Scripture says there that ‘God formed man's body from the dust of the earth. And God breathed into him the breath (the Hebrew is in the plural 'the breaths') of life. And man became a living soul.’
God Imparted His Spirit
But when God created mankind Gen.1:26, He created all our spirits at the same time. Then in Gen.2:7, God spoke forth and formed the body of Adam from the elements of the earth. But then He did something more, in order to complete the creation. He actually caused His Spirit to move down upon that body, and He breathed into Adam the breath of life. The Hebrew word ‘breath’ there can also mean ‘wind or spirit’. God actually imparted to that body, part of His very own essence. He imparted to man, spirit. Man was the first creation to become a partaker of the very nature of God. God gave to Adam something that He did not give to the animals. And the Scripture says that God, when He made man said, "Let us make man in Our image and after Our likeness." Man was made in the image of God. What does that mean? It is something that theologians and Bible scholars have debated over a long period of time.
God Gave Man Speech
What is the image of God in man? Well firstly, quite simply, it was the fact that God placed in man a spirit, which has the same nature, the same essence as the Spirit of God. But God gave to man something else that only man has, and none of the rest of the creation has. He gave to man the ability to speak words.
Only man, apart from God, has the ability to speak words. That makes me think that somehow there is a connection between spirit and words. God’s Spirit moved upon the creation and God spoke words. And when He spoke words the Spirit moved. Spirit and words were always linked together. So when God made man in His image He made him so that he could speak words, just like God.
Power Released Through Speech
Do you know what? He made man so that he could release the power of his spirit in the same way that God released the power of His Spirit in creation. He gave to man the ability to, through words, release the power that was in his spirit, so that when a man speaks, what he is actually doing is releasing a spiritual force into the earth. We are going to be developing that and looking at it in a lot of detail, and we are going to see how that power can be used, and should be used, by all believers to accomplish what God would do in the earth.
God gave to Adam the ability to control what takes place in the earth that had now been created. That power was limited just to that. But what God did is He came down every day to fellowship with Adam and Eve and to make available to them the fullness of His power.
Kind of tells us how we should live every day.
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