Scripture References: John 2, Matthew 9 & 14
Jeremiah 31:22 How long will you gad about, O you backsliding daughter? For the LORD has created a new thing in the earth—(Isa 43:19) Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall sprout; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.
Let the Lord change your water into new wine. Ask the Lord to remove the sprit of religion from you and let His Glory shine. Be willingly to let go of any old method that is operating in your life, business, church, etc. that is unproductive.
There are many analogies and parallels to the story of turning the water carrels into wine. Jesus began His public ministry at Cana, where He graced a wedding party with His presence and turned water into wine (John 2:1–11). The first miracle of Christ which was parallel to the first plague upon Egypt which turned all their water into blood. Miracles are manifestations of God’s glory, and are for His glory. When Jesus changes the water into wine at the wedding at Cana, John says, “This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory” (John 2:11).Every miracle is a manifestation of the glory of God.
In Jesus name, Father, I thank You that this is a new season and old seasons end. We declare the old to end and the new to begin. Thank You, it is time for the New Wine, and New Wineskins. All frustration, bitterness and anger must cease. I thank You; You bring the results you want in my life. I receive the new and open doors you have for me.
The Lord says: “I am doing something in you that you know not of, that you cannot
Comprehend. It's the beginning of more working of My mighty power, more
knowledge, and more revelation. The beginning of more good works, you walking in
them. You cannot comprehend the length, the depth, and the height of it.
This passes your mind, your knowledge, going right in your spirit. It's a
seed now sprouting, being rooted and grounded and growing, coming out of you
imparting, taking hold of others in a greater way than ever before. Do not
judge by the sight of your eyes or the hearing of your ears. The Spirit of
the Lord rests upon you. Nothing shall be impossible for you. New mercies,
new grace, new words, new songs are coming to you to flow through you. The
old and the new are coming together; the old and the young are coming
together. I am joining the Joshua generation with the Caleb generation. The youth have
extreme zeal and the older saints have wonderful wisdom. God is joining the generations. The races are coming together. The male and female are coming together.
All types and all characters are coming together. This is true unity with the Body working. You are a joining together, a motivator to push and thrust them out, My little ones, My old ones. Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. All will become one. You are a column holding all together, highly favored of the Lord and of man. You are a part that no one really sees seeking no name for yourself, but promoting others. You are a true mother and father to many. What you will see is a blending together of My Body that you cannot see one part from another. There will be one complete unit. Oh what a sight to see!”
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